Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! It is a great pleasure to welcome both our continuing families and those who are new to this amazing school district On September 5. Almost 7,000 students and near 700 employees will be “working together” to “build successful futures!” A lot is new this year, here are a few highlights:
- After 5 years of visioning, planning, voting, and finally construction, the 9th Grade Center of Oak Creek High School opens! This will alleviate the severe overcrowding for our high school learners and, even more importantly, provide an educational program specifically designed to launch learners successfully into their high school careers...and beyond!
- East and West Middle Schools have new principals: Sue Thompson and Megan Arens, respectively. These promotions resulted in two openings. West has a new assistant principal: Sarah Leatherman. OCHS has a new associate principal: Bill Kujawa. In addition, Ted Gennerman has joined us as Director of Student Services and Annalee Bennin has joined us as Director of Curriculum and Assessment.
- Over the summer, district and school administrators along with our Oak Creek Police partners worked together to develop, implement, monitor and continually improve an action plan for Oak Creek High School that we believe will reduce incidents of fighting and change some of the perceptions that plagued our community last spring. We intend to consequence more severely, as well as more strongly promote positive behaviors and supports so the handful of students creating problems do not tarnish the image or experience of the thousands of students doing so well. Middle school principals helped develop this and are working on their own plans to meet the needs of their schools.
- This past summer our educators were able to focus on their own learning – something they do not have as much time for during the school year. About 300 teachers and administrators engaged in over 25 different workshops, courses and other sources of professional development. This has enriched their knowledge base and will improve your children's school experience.
- As we enter year two of our Oak Creek-Franklin public schools’ strategic plan, more and more of our teachers are learning how to transform classrooms into learning systems using continuous improvement practices. This fall, we are launching a personalized learning initiative so we learn even more about how to inspire our learners to run their own learning system 24/7 and are truly life-long learners.
- One of the most important developments I wish to bring to your attention has been the creation of a clear definition of what it means to be “college and career ready” when a learner graduates from Oak Creek High School. Beyond 23 credits, the other 'credentials' graduates should possess that research has shown to lead to success after high school:
I hope you download a copy from our website and talk about it with your child. Even if they are in elementary or middle school, you can begin to draw lines to his or her future by explaining the pathways to the future they are now on and how they are getting ready, right this year. For example, 90% or better attendance is a research-based “credential” leading to better learning and career outcomes! We will be developing this model further in the the future: What “credentials” and habits indicate one is ready for High school? Middle school? Please stay tuned.
I look forward to working together so we build successful futures for every one of our community's children. Hope to see you soon,
Tim Culver