Friday, April 22, 2016

Who we are...

Sometimes an organization’s mission and vision statements seem like expected, abstract documents that few care about beyond the Board and top administrators.  They unfortunately can become a part of that dusty strategic plan notebook on the shelf or a hard to find link on a website.  However, school districts with clearly communicated, widely understood, and collectively shared mission and vision have been shown to perform better than those without them (when strategy and goals were aligned with them).  Research shows this, and I believe it, and that is why the third recommendation in my entry plan report states:

“3. Before the next school year begins, with stakeholder involvement, create a reinvigorated vision and identify agreed upon indicators of success, long term aims, and one and five year goals for the school district.  These should capture the imagination, address community expectations, and drive improvement.” 

I’d really like to hear everyone’s voice in the development of our new district identity statements.  I have been working with a number of focus groups this spring to draft a revised mission statement, update our belief statements (this link takes you to the existing’ll discover the new drafts in the survey) , and create a vision statement. These foundational pieces are really important in defining who we are as a school district and where we as a community should head together in the future of our children.

  • A vision statement is future focused and paints a vivid picture of where you would like our school district to move towards and what you aspire the district to be known for across the community.
  • Mission is focused on the present and describes the purpose of our school district -- what we do every day.  The mission provides the basis for developing plans that can be executed to achieve the ultimate vision. 
  • Values or belief statements reflect core behaviors or common principles that guide our actions.

After finalizing our shared vision, mission, and beliefs, priority goals are the next step.  Aligning goals and actions with a shared vision and mission are the fundamental ingredients for moving from good to great.  Will you help us define/refine our school district’s identity and help set us on a course forward?

Please take this survey to see our work so far and share your perspectives. The survey will close on Friday, April 29.

Thank you for your support of our community's schools and our community's children.

Tim Culver